List of Deputy Prime Ministers of India
(Born: 8 November 1927)
Term of Office: 29 June 2002- 20 May 2004
Political party: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
(Born: 23 July 1914 Died: 14 November 2001)
Term of Office: 19 October 1989- 21 June 1991
Term of Office: 19 October 1989- 21 June 1991
(Born: 12 March 1913 Died: 25 November 1984)
Term of Office: 10 December 1979 - 14 January 1980
Political party: Janata Party
(Born: 5 April 1908 Died: 6 July 1986)
Term of Office: 9 October 1979 - 10 December 1979
Political party: Janata Party
(Born: 23 December 1902 Died: 29 May 1987)
Term of Office: 28 July 1979- 9 October 1979
Political party: Janata Party
(Born: 29 February 1896 Died: 10 April 1995)
Term of Office: 21 March 1967- 6 December 1969
Political party: Janata Party
(Born: 31 October 1875 Died: 15 December 1950)
Term of Office: 15 August 1947- 15 December 1950
Political party: Indian National Congress (INC)
Indian Sanatani Hindu Modh Sri Vaishnava Modh Gandhi Modh Ambani Modh Modi Vanika Vaishya Baniya Kshatriya Prime Minister of India Narendra Modh Gandhi Modh Ambani Modh Modi and other Indian Sanatani Hindu Brahmin, Kshatriya and Vaishya SC, ST, BC, BT, OBC, 10 % Reservation Benefit Receiving and No Reservation Benefit Receiving Prime Ministers and Deputy Prime Ministers of India such as Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Babu Jagjivan Ram, Lal Bahadur Shastri, P.V. Narasimha Rao, Morarji Desai, Haradanahalli Doddegowda Devegowda, Chaudhari Charan Singh, Chaudhari Devi Lal, Chandrashekar, Yashwant Rao Chavan, Vishwanath Pratap Singh, Inder Kumar Gujral and Dr. Manmohan Singh have been rebuilding a trucated India which came into existence on August 15, 1947 and which was thoroughly and in all possible ways destroyed in very methodical, systematic, egregious, evil, wicked, double-crossing, backstabbing, anti-Indian, anti-national and traitorous way by three foreign, alien and parasitic Mughal Timorid Turkish Turkman Tajik Uzbek Kazakh Kyrgyz Persian Parsi Farsi Paras Parasu Parashu Satrapa Saka Scythian Iranian Mongolian Sunni Muslim Prime Ministers of India Jawaharlal Motilal Ghiyasuddin Ghazi Nehru, Indira Jawaharlal Motilal Ghiyasuddin Ghazi Nehru Feroze Jehangir Faredoon Ghandy Gandhi and Rajiv Indira Jawaharlal Motilal Ghiyasuddin Ghazi Feroze Jehangir Faredoon Ghandy Gandhi, the great great grandson, the great granddaughter and the grandson respectively of the Last Mughal Timorid Turkish Turkman Tajik Uzbek Kazakh Kyrgyz Persian Parsi Farsi Paras Parasu Parashu Satrapa Saka Scythian Iranian Mongolian Sunni Muslim Kotwal of Delhi Ghiyasuddin Ghazi who backstabbed, double-crossed, deceived, harmed, hurt, and traiotoroulsy let down the Last Mughal Timorid Turkish Turkman Tajik Uzbek Kazakh Kyrgyz Persian Parsi Farsi Paras Parasu Parashu Satrapa Saka Scythian Iranian Mongolian Sunni Muslim Emperor of Mughal Indian Bahadur Shah Zafar during the 1857 Indian Soldier Sepoy Mutiny against the European British English Scottish Welsh Irish Italian German Greek Spanish Dutch Frencha and Portuguese Christian Colonial International Rulers of European British Christian Colonial India.